The Chantones 1954-1957 Booklet Released on Amazon Worldwide


The Chantones

We are proud to announce that the first of three booklets on The Chantones has been released. The Chantones, were a Windsor, Ontario based group that had success has a quartet, trio and as backup vocalist to singer Jack Scott.

The booklet has been developed in consultation with The Chantones members Jim Nantais and Jack Grenier. It covers the period of the band's early days from 1954 until the release of their hit record, Ann Marie at the end of 1957.

The 44 page booklet is available in paperback format. It is available from Amazon worldwide.

Future booklets will be: Part 2 The History of The Chantones - Jack Scott and more success - 1958-61. The final booklet will be Part 3 The History of The Chantones - The folk trio years 1962-76.

For more information on this book or others by Paul Langan, he can be reached through his website, .


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