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Texting is Reducing Our Quality of Life

  The increase in texting is alarming I hate texting. It is such an awful way to communicate with so many problems associated with it. An obvious problem is the dangers of distracted driving while texting which could lead to accidents. The reality is texting has many more problems associated with it. I used to be a Club President for a youth sports organization in my community for over a decade. As texting grew in popularity so did the negative behaviours that resulted from texting more. It is suggested that people spend an average 26 minutes a day texting but that seems low from what I have seen in real life. Statistics in Canada are hard to find on texting however, one USA study on teens and texting shows just how popular texting is. "According to “Constant Companion: A Week in the Life of a Young Person’s Smartphone Use,” on a typical day, half of U.S. teens in the study received 237 or more notifications — about a quarter during the school day and 5% at night." - Co

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