1937 - 38 Toronto Maple Leafs Go Hunting


1937-38 Toronto Maple Leafs
1937-1938 Toronto Maples Leafs at Forbes Island, Ontario - photo from the U. of Waterloo Archives and Special Collections

 Hespeler, Ontario wealthy industrialist Alex Forbes, loved to hunt and fish. He even had his own island hunting lodges, Forbes Island, map below, was located south of Sudbury, Ontario. It was only accessible by aircraft. Photos of Alex back then had him friends with high profile media people.

Evidently he was also tight with the Toronto Maple Leafs. This photo of the 1937-38 Toronto Maple Leafs  at the lodge is a fantastic photo. Names identified on the back of photo are: Turk Broda, Harvey Jackson, Bingo Kempman, Davidson, Hamilton,Murph Chamberlain,Joe Stark, Jim Fowler and George Parsons 

Enjoy this rare piece of Toronto Maples Leafs history.

About the author - Paul Langan is an author of 2 hockey compilation books and 10 local history books. You can purchase his books at Wordsworth Books Waterloo, and Amazon, Kobo, Google Play wordwide. His website is http://paullangan.com 

Forbes Island south of Sudbury, Ontario
Forbes Island south of Sudbury, Ontario
2 hockey compilation books by Paul Langan
2 hockey compilation books by Paul Langan


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