Windsor's Forgotten Movie Theatres - Kent Theatre on Ottawa Street
Kent Theatre 1219 Ottawa Street - 1946, 1960 and January 2021
Many old theatres have been torn down in Canada. Windsor was not immune to seeing some of their beautiful theatres neglected and demolished. Windsorites should rejoice in having the Capitol and Tivoli Theatres still standing proud.
Some Windsor folk will not realize that there are other Windsor theatres still standing. The interior of these theatres may have been torn out but are still standing and have current owners.
Kent Theatre Opening 1946
The Kent Theatre located at 1219 Ottawa Street was opened in 1946. One of the first movies to play there was Valley in the Sun. (see photo above with movie poster out front of the Kent) Here is a link to trailer for that movie.
1960 - Kingdom Hall Of The Jehovah's Witnesses
The theatre has had different uses over the years. It was used as the Kingdom Hall Of The Jehovah's Witnesses. This photo from 1960 still shows the outside in all its glory.
Today the theatre building is owned by private interests. It is hard to tell it was ever a movie theatre. As time moves on the Kent Theatre will become a distant memory of good times spent watching movies there.
Kent Theatre January 2021, Ottawa Street Windsor
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